Thursday, December 31, 2015

Resolution Reveal

I am coming off a crazy week at our house.  Christmas eve with both sides of our family at our house,  and a birthday party for the sweetest little 2 year old.  I love that our house has become the melting pot for our families.  We have had everyone here for both parties and it really means a lot to me to see them all getting along.  Not having to run around to accommodate this tradition or that one has made things a little simpler for me.  We definitely do still run around on holidays sometimes and when we do I always am so drained.

As 2015 is coming to a close I can't help but feel a little indifferent and so worn out.  My family has suffered loss, and really sad health news for my dad.  I got married.  Watched my son grow.  We are blessed to have traveled, and spent quality time with friends and family.  So many tears happy and sad have been shed this year.  I found my way back into church which brought on some tears of their own.

I am taking away a lot of growth this year.  Learning that the high road doesn't always yield the results I wanted, but I still felt better.  Realized when I said I was taking Leavitt to church I was really doing it more for myself since he just plays the whole time.  Accepting that life is part what you make it and part what happens to you.

In the spirit of merciless honesty I have sat down to write this about five times.  I don't totally know that I am ready to end this year.  I would like to think we are on to bigger and better things next year, but the truth is I don't know.  If we never have more than we do now, or do more than we do now I would be okay.  The real truth is that world events have made me want to stick close to home more.  Life has made me appreciate the here and now a lot more.  I would be lying if I said I don't daydream a little about a healthier, more exciting year but I also kind of don't.

So as I roll my way into next year I have one resolution.  I am going to drink one glass of hot lemon water every morning in 2016.  I have read great things about it and I am pretty sure I can handle this... as long as I keep lemons on the grocery list! Per usual I will let you all know how that goes so stay tuned on the results.

2016 also has some exciting and challenging things coming for the blog.  A couple collaborations in the works and some exciting new ideas I can not wait to share with you all.  Have a safe champagne sipping (or guzzling) New Years Eve!

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