Saturday, June 14, 2014

Rachel's Bridal Shower

Sunday we showered a bride to be, my sister Rachel.  Although the heat was miserable we had a great time getting the girls together and wishing her well.  She opened thoughtful gifts from people that love them, ate cake and had a skinny girl margarita.  She wont need any advice on love & family, they have battled their way through the stuff divorces are made of.  Moving, having a child, living with your soon to be in laws and the day to day stuff that wears on even the toughest of relationships.  These two are a true example of a team.  I am confident in them as a family they will do well, and July 11th we will celebrate the already existing family that is theirs.

To my sister and friend Rachel,
You will be a beautiful bride, you are a beautiful person.   I was honored to host your Bridal shower and will be so happy for you when you say your vows.  Josh could not have chosen a more dedicated partner or mother for his child.  Always remember you deserve the best in life for you give your best to them.  I am thrilled for you that you have found someone that makes you happy.  So excited for the wedding and MORE BABIES!!!!! XO 

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