Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Perfect Watermelon Snack

I love how effortless meals are in the summer.  I don't mind the drive by snacks and meals on their way in and out of the pool, or the fact that we live on fruit and cheese as a real meal when it's hot out.  We have a very short window of warm weather and I try to keep myself out of the kitchen as much as possible.  Somewhere along the way I decided summer was a guilt free mom season and we were meant only to enjoy it.

In my guilt free haze I sometimes end up in a snack slump.  We have the same basic on-the-go crap on hand every day... cheese, goldfish, gummies, pirates booty, you know healthy stuff (insert eye roll).  Leavitt and I recently had a little time on our hands while Preston took a nap and decided to get our creative on in the kitchen.  We cut up some watermelon, half to eat, half to create something with.  I decided to scour the pantry, we happened to have some white chocolate melts in there and fruit dipped in chocolate is basically a love language in our house.  I let Leavitt help me pick our toppings.  I wanted shredded coconut, and he opted for raisins.  

I melted the chocolate according to the directions on the package and let it cool enough to thicken.  Dipped small/medium sized watermelon wedges in the chocolate and tossed some coconut and raisins on there.  We slid them into the freezer for a couple hours and enjoyed them outside when the baby got up from his nap!

I have honestly missed being in the kitchen with my not so little man.  He has become such a great fisherman this year, and while I am so happy for him I miss these moments in the kitchen just us.  He asked me the other day if we could try again and put some cheese on there, when I said no (frozen cheese?!) he said he wanted to try Cheetos.  So stay tuned we may conjure up some more epic concoctions!

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