Sunday, February 26, 2017

Special Day

I know I am not alone when I say school break is anything but a break for us mamas... am I right?  When school break last week snuck up on me after two weeks of snow days falling on school days for Leavitt, I about lost my mind when I realized I was staring down the barrel of another week with no school.  Preston and I really accomplish a lot when Leavitt is in school.  We tackle my to-do list, snuggle, run errands, snuggle, get coffee, snuggle, go to story time... you know important things.  I need that time alone with him or I start to panic the clock will run out on his infancy and I will have missed it.  Having them both home with me is actually way more fun than I sometimes will admit, but there is something really special about having time one-on-one with them.  

Our treasured babysitter agreed to take Preston for me for a day so I could spend some alone time with Leavitt.  We hadn't spent a full day just us since he became a big brother five months ago.  I told Leavitt the night before we had somethings planned for the day but that we could do whatever he wanted on his special day.  We agreed we should get breakfast, buy a toy, get a haircut, visit his dad's work, go to target, go to the "mama go go store" (Starbucks), and we would have lunch with friends.  

Leavitt really is a lot of fun for me.  He has the best sense of humor, and makes everything so much more exciting.  I kind of forgot how much adventuring we used to do when it was just us every day.  He has to have his sunglasses and his favorite Nuby water bottle everywhere we go.  Of course he loves the water bottle for the bright color and flip top action.  I love that it won't spill in my bag, that it is easy to clean, and big enough to not need to refill it all day long... because who has time for that?

|| Water Canteen ||

We made it home in the afternoon for a second lunch for Leavitt.  Per usual mac n cheese and fruit were top of the list, after not eating his lunch we had out.  He agreed to eat until he saw the hedgehog and elephant pictures on the bottom of these adorable bamboo and cornstarch bowls.  He really loves the challenge of getting to see the animals at the bottom the bowl, and I love that he eats better for me that way.  His requested reward was a reese's heart, because no hard work should go unrewarded on your special day right? Right.  These bowls are seriously the cutest, I want to snag the moose one because what Maine boy wouldn't love it! But also these cool little bowls are the perfect size for toddlers, they are eco-friendly, dishwasher safe, BPA free, making them great for moms too!  I've linked them for you but you will be able to find them at your local Target soon along with the water bottle!

|| Bamboo Bowls ||

Shortly after our second lunch Leavitt started to miss his brother and wanted to go get him from daycare.  One last stop to Starbucks (again) was all he could think of to top off our day.  I offered to go to Starbucks before getting his brother but we decided to grab him first.  I love that he thinks of his brother when he's having fun.  Honestly I had kind of forgot how easy and fun toddlers can be.  Every outing lately with both of them is so much work that I usually manage to get things done with just the baby now.  I am going to make a real effort to do more with Leavitt alone, he's definitely one of my best buddies and I've really missed the just us time, plus I feel way less weird talking to Leavitt as we stroll the stores.  I am sure I look like a crazy lady babbling on and on to the carseat by myself.  

I have teamed up with Nuby to give one of my readers a Thirsty Kids Flip-it water canteen.  To enter to win find us on Instagram @bringingupleavitt or on Facebook.  U.S. Residents only please. 

Bringing up Leavitt is a Nuby parent blogger and was given products in exchange for reviews.  All opinions are and always will be my own.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Teething Time

I've been feeling really guilty lately.  I feel like I have slacked off with Preston so much in comparison to all the things I did with Leavitt.  I used to write letters to Leavitt once a month about all the adventures he was having and milestones he was meeting.  We are almost five months in with Preston and he's only had a birth letter written.  I doubt he will care someday, but I do.  I not only am documenting less but I still have myself convinced he is a newborn, when he clearly is not.  He has totally gotten the second child shaft.  Sorry Preston, I love you lots.

|| Nana Nubs ||

He rolled over the other day and I missed it.  I knew he was close, but when I heard him crying I turned around and he was face down.  Just like that he rolled and I missed it.  He has been chewing on my fingers, his bottle, his fingers, blankets, his hat, whatever he can find.  I felt so dumb when someone told me, "you know he's probably teething".  You're right he's that age, drooling everywhere, chewing everything... of course he is teething.  Which is funny that I missed all the clues when I was convinced Leavitt was teething every time he cried.  Someone get my former self a chill pill.

I guess I was expecting him to scream bloody murder and there to be teeth there, before I would declare a teething epidemic was upon us.  Since I have accepted his leap into this next little phase of infancy, I have been giving him teething toys to play with and he is obsessed.  He gets so excited he chews the crap out of it, brings his legs up, and squeals in delight.  Like with all seasons of mom life, you need the gear to make things easier on you and your babe.  Preston loves the Nana Nubs.  He loves that he can hold it himself and that the tiny silicone bristles massage his gums.  When he finally gets it in his grasp he rubs it along his gums like a dog with a bone.  He's very serious about his teething. 

We are on-the-go so much more than Leavitt and I were when he was an infant.  Being the only child Leavitt was catered to a lot more.  Preston is woken up from naps to go get his brother from school, or dragged out of the house just to take Leavitt down the street to daycare.  I more than ever appreciate anything that travels with us.  OK mamas, share your secrets, what are you doing to make your babies more comfortable teething?  This little guy loves these toys because they are so soft, and he can hold them himself.  Even if it kills me that he's wanting independence at four months old!

If you would like to win a Nana Nubs for the teething babe in your life find us on Facebook or Instagram @bringingupleavitt U.S. Residents only please.

Bringing up Leavitt is a Nuby parent blogger and was given products in exchange for reviews.  All opinions are and always will be my own.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wanted: Mom Squad

The overuse of #squadgoals on every social media platform ever has me evaluating my mom squad goals.  I consider myself a nice blend of high maintenance and being down to earth.  So I figured I would put together the ultimate list of attributes for the perfect mom posse.  

You must be fluent in sarcasm.  My love language. 

Humor.  I once read that Victor Borge said "laughter is the shortest distance between two people".  I have also heard that laughter is the best medicine.  I don't take myself seriously at all.  There is no bigger buzz kill than someone who just can't let something go, or laugh off the nonsense that comes with parenting small children.  

Thou shalt not compete.  There are no trophies in the mom game so settle your pretty self down.  

Balance.  Sometimes we eat organic fruit and eggs for breakfast and happy meals for lunch.  Shit happens. 

No judging.  I have exactly enough brain power to keep my kids safe and fed.  I don't have time to judge you so don't wag your imaginary finger at me sister.

Coffee.  If I have to elaborate on this you live with a nanny and I'm judging you... OK I'm not judging, I'm jealous.

Adulting.  If you don't get your adult on every now and then you're not doing anyone any favors.  Get a sitter, get dressed, get to know your mom friends without the distractions.  I promise a night out with your friends will energize you for the next day on the mom job.  My husband spends all day with adults, I need that too, or our conversations start to take a weird turn somewhere between what he ate for lunch and who refuses to poop on the potty.  Not so sexy.  

Show up.  I had two major life changes last year.  My Dad died and I had a baby.  Immediately after each event I had some of the most giving hearts at my door.  Weather they brought food or coffee, or came by to sit and talk me through these moments I couldn't have handled either change with half the grace without them.  Tough times are made easier with a little community to love you through it.  

Must love wine.  Vodka works too. Or tequila, scotch, whiskey... whatever does the trick.  God forbid you order a bud light though, I have a couple friends who won't let me live that mistake down.  I have another friend who showed up at the hospital with wine to celebrate.  Yes, I drank at the hospital, and it was glorious.  

Must consider chips and guac an actual meal.

Preferably loves Target, Baby Gap, and TJ Maxx.

Understands my love of dark dry shampoo, and isn't grossed out that I wash my hair like once a week.

There you have it,  all the qualities you need to assemble the perfect mom squad!